Why worry about a low CAT score?

Why worry about a low CAT score?

Why worry about a low CAT score? Opt For Online MBA

The majority of students in India aspire to earn an MBA from a prestigious institute. One of the key requirements for admission is the CAT score. Every year, there is a noticeable growth in MBA applications. A business degree can help applicants hone their talents and differentiate themselves in this cutthroat environment.


Your MBA goals don't have to die because of a poor CAT score.

There are typically two options available to students who perform poorly on the CAT: either they can study for and take the test again the following year, or they can elect to enroll in an on-campus program at a B-school with a lower reputation. However, because of the development of online degrees, students now have another lucrative and practical alternative to consider. For candidates whose CAT scores fall short of the cut-off, an online MBA has suddenly emerged as the best option.
The key benefit of online degrees is that students can pursue them without abandoning their current jobs. Many renowned schools and universities in India have begun to provide online MBA programs that are on par with normal on-campus degrees.

Declaration of UGC

(UGC) has issued an official declaration clarifying that undergraduate or graduate degrees earned online from legally accredited colleges are evaluated equally to degrees earned on campus.


Why ought students to think about online MBA programs?

Recently, especially during and after the epidemic, online MBA has seen tremendous growth in popularity. An increase in online MBA enrolments is proof of this. Aside from being more accessible, inexpensive, and flexible than on-campus degrees, an online degree also enables you to develop a strong network of peers from various geographical and cultural backgrounds. Learners can plan for their future by getting knowledge about numerous employment opportunities around the world.

Learning Digitally

Modern learning management systems (LMS) are used to deliver online MBA programs. These systems give students access to a variety of study resources, including self-learning reading materials, quick explainer videos, recorded lectures, e-books, and case studies. The LMS typically provides discussion rooms where students can ask questions and get answers from peers and professors on both academic and non-academic matters.
An online MBA program teaches basic business principles in addition to more specific topics like entrepreneurship, HRM, analytics, and BFSI. In order to effectively handle additional duties, learners can increase their management knowledge as well as their hard and soft skills. After all, employers seek candidates with both the necessary job-related abilities and good business judgment.

Studying on the Go

You can access online MBA course materials at any time and from any location using a laptop, tablet, or even a smartphone. You are able to learn on the go and at your own speed. With the help of online MBA programs, people of all ages, geographical locations, and professional backgrounds can pursue their MBA goals while being at home.
